Skincare Ingredients and Facts – Exosomes

Have you been hearing that exosomes are the next BIG thing in regenerative medicine and aesthetic skin rejuvenation? We sure have! And lot’s of our clients are asking if exosomes are for real, or is it all just hype?

For the most part, it’s lots of hype, but exosomes are for real! And they do hold the potential to be the next major breakthrough in understanding our body’s almost miraculous ability to heal itself and ward off disease.

Put simply, an exosome is a specialized delivery vwehicle, “a biological packet” made of a lipid bi-layer that contains and delivers cytokines, metabolites, messenger RNA, and other bio-signaling materials for highly sophisticated, (and frankly, little understood) biological activity including skin rejuvenation, wound healing, and other immune-response dependent activities. Exosomes are one method a cell may call upon to deliver biologically relevant information to other cells or organelles.

Exosomes, (like the cytokines they often contain), have been observed to deliver both beneficial, and pathological signals to cells that have been observed to have both positive and negative effects on living systems. So before we get all excited about exosomes, we need to know:

what information is in the exosomes, where it’s to be delivered, and why?

The exosome itself may have little to no relevance in the biological effect of the events it’s contents initiate, (beyond delivering the message). In fact the exosome may merely be an efficient means of preserving bio-signalling materials as they are conveyed between cells and organelles, (much like the nano-lipids used in medicine and cosmetics for the preservation of ingrdients).

Again, the important question to ask when someone tells you they have the “best exosomes” on the market, or “the latest”, or “the strongest”, or “the highest concentration of proteins”, or whatever claim the salesman is making to differentiate what he’s doing from what everyone else is doing; the most important question is “WHAT’S IN YOUR EXOSOMES?” If they do not know which cytokines, or what mRNA, or which bio-signalling materials are present, and why they are beneficial, and to what type of tissue, cell or organelle, then they’re just blowing smoke.

The second important question to ask: how are the lipid bi-layers of your exosomes preserved? If they cannot describe the processing mechanics to ensure preservatio of the lipid bilayer, again… more smoke.

Exosomes are little understood, and most reputable organizations doing research involving exosomes list the following qualifying statement somewhere in their publication: “For Research Use Only, or not for use in diagnostic procedures.”

We believe that exosomes are a part of our growing understanding of immune response.  That understanding is contributing, and will contribute to advancements in the anti-aging and skin rejuvenation space. But unril recently we had not found anyone with enough knowledge about how exosomes contribute to improved results to sell a product based upon that understanding. We have been regularly solicited by companies researching and manufacturing a variety of cytokine, exosome and other immune-response based products and devices.

to see the Exosome product we endorse, take a look at XSkin Exosomes.

Mountain Coast & American LASER University are your source for the most advanced aesthetic training and technologies:

Call: (Eight Hundred) 551-5582 or Contact us to learn more, and find out where to get the most sophisticated skincare products, (and learn the latest techniques)!
Blossom Acoustic Wave Therapy A truly non-invasive skin rejuvenation and anti-aging service that rivals invasive medical level results
NovaThreads PDO Therapy – Thread Lift Directional Soft Tissue Molding
Blossom Wand at Home Skin & Serum Enhancement Wand
ProCell Therapies
Dermabrasion, Microchanneling & Hair Regrowth
Blossom Lights
The Portable, Affordable Medical Grade Bioharmonic LED Light Therapy Panels
BLT OTC Topical Numbing Creams
Dr Paul Nassif’s Bio-Rhythmic Moisturizer
Platelet Rich Fibrin is more effective than PRP for Aesthetics
Autologous Volumizing Injectable (AVI) made from your own blood. A versatile adjunct/alternative to PLLA injectables
Permanent Hair Reduction for all hair colors without a LASER!
Smartxide DOT Therapy
Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing
Omnia IPL for Hair Removal and Skin Rejuvenation
American LASER University – Concierge LASER, IPL & RF Training
The Aesthetic Suite 3 Technologies, (IPL, LED & Microchanneling) 7 Services
Edge One Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing & Feminine Rejuvenation
Intracel RF Microneedling
for Acne Scars and Neck Tightening
SmoothCool Intense Pulsed Light & Skin Cooling Platform
NeuViva CO2 LASER Feminine Rejuvenation
– 532 Solid State LASER for vascular, pigment and more!
ClariFusion Ultrasonic Cosmeceutical Infusion System
TOTAL FACIAL RF  Six proven modalities deliver a TOTAL skin rejuvenation experience
sh-Polypeptide 1

Skincare Ingredients and Facts sh-Polypeptide 1

Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor, (FGF, also known as sh-polypeptide 1)  is a bio signaling protein specific to the family of cytokines involved in the generation and repair of collagen. It signals the fibroblast to initiate, (and possibly to maintain and direct) collagen production & proliferation. It may also, in conjunction with other peptides and cytokines stimulate the synthesis of collagen and other substances of the extracellular-matrix.

In the world of skin care and skin rejuvenation  FGF has been observed to help with:

  • Reduction fine lines, expression lines and wrinkles.
  • Better blood circulation & lymphatic drainage.
  • The quality and quantity of new collagen and elastin present in the skin.
Call: (Eight Hundred) 551-558 or Contact us to learn more, and find out where to get the most sophisticated skincare products, (and learn the latest techniques)!

Mountain Coast & American LASER University are your source for the most advanced aesthetic training and technologies:

ezPRF Platelet Rich Fibrin is more effective than PRP for Aesthetics
ezGel Filler
made from your own blood. A Longer Lasting alternative to foreign substances
BLT OTC Topical Numbing Creams
Hydro-Screen Dr Paul Nassif’s Bio-Rhythmic Moisturizer
ProCell Therapies Dermabrasion
, Microchanneling & Hair Regrowth
Blossom Red The Portable, Affordable Red Light Therapy Solution (LED)
Omnia IPL for Hair Removal and Skin Rejuvenation
Blossom SSR A truly non invasive skin rejuvenation and anti-aging service that rivals invasive medical level results
American LASER University – Concierge LASER, IPL & RF Training
Blossom Wand  At Home Skin & Serum Enhancement Wand
NovaThreads PDO Therapy – Thread Lift Directional Soft Tissue Molding
The Aesthetic Suite 3 Technologies, (IPL, LED & Microchanneling) 7 Services
Edge One Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing & Feminine Rejuvenation
Intracel RF Microneedling
for Acne Scars and Neck Tightening
SmoothCool Intense Pulsed Light & Skin Cooling Platform
NeuViva CO2 LASER Feminine Rejuvenation
– 532 Solid State LASER for vascular and pigment
ClariFusion Ultrasonic Cosmeceutical Infusion System
TOTAL FACIAL RF  Six proven modalities deliver a TOTAL skin rejuvenation experience
Luxury Spa Experience BB

Microchanneling & nanoDermabrasion Workshop

Come in person or virtual to see the next generation technologies and products in live, to the point demonstrations. See Procell microchanneling, Blossom SSR nanoDermabrasion, Blossom Wand – The at Home Skin & Serum Enhancement Wand, NassifMD Hydro-Screen and Blossom RED (Deep Red Light Therapy) LED.

Workshop Date: June 15th 1pm Mountain at SkinAssist Denver Tech Center.

Before and After 6 monthly nanoDerm / nanoInfusion Treatments

The $25.00 Registration Fee for prospective clients will be worth ten times the investment should you decide to purchase any professional device(That’s $250 off)!

You can Venmo @mountaincoast or register with a credit card HERE.

Call: (Eight Hundred) 551-558 or Contact us to learn more, and find out where to get the most sophisticated skincare products, (and learn the latest techniques)!

Mountain Coast & American LASER University are your source for the most advanced aesthetic training and technologies:

ezPRF Platelet Rich Fibrin is more effective than PRP for Aesthetics
ezGel Filler
made from your own blood. A Longer Lasting alternative to foreign substances
BLT OTC Topical Numbing Creams
Hydro-Screen Dr Paul Nassif’s Bio-Rhythmic Moisturizer
ProCell Therapies Dermabrasion
, Microchanneling & Hair Regrowth
Blossom Red The Portable, Affordable Red Light Therapy Solution (LED)
Omnia IPL for Hair Removal and Skin Rejuvenation
Blossom SSR A truly non invasive skin rejuvenation and anti-aging service that rivals invasive medical level results
American LASER University – Concierge LASER, IPL & RF Training
Blossom Wand  At Home Skin & Serum Enhancement Wand
NovaThreads PDO Therapy – Thread Lift Directional Soft Tissue Molding
The Aesthetic Suite 3 Technologies, (IPL, LED & Microchanneling) 7 Services
Edge One Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing & Feminine Rejuvenation
Intracel RF Microneedling
for Acne Scars and Neck Tightening
SmoothCool Intense Pulsed Light & Skin Cooling Platform
NeuViva CO2 LASER Feminine Rejuvenation
– 532 Solid State LASER for vascular and pigment
ClariFusion Ultrasonic Cosmeceutical Infusion System
TOTAL FACIAL RF  Six proven modalities deliver a TOTAL skin rejuvenation experience