
SkinGenuity’s “Skin Health” line delivers a threefold “Repair-Regenerate-Improve” strategy. Repair cellular damage, Regenerate healthy tissue, Improve cellular communication.

SKINGENUITY incorporates Nobel Prize-winning advanced Inter-Cell Messenger Technology(ICM), harnessing the power of bioengineered Growth Factors and DNA repair enzymes to regenerate and repair skin and hair in the SkinGenuity patent pending product range.

SkinGenuity’s “Skin Health” line of Topicals contain essential ingredients alongside cytokine array created via recombinant technology in a sterile microbiome environment.

This produces a threefold benefit: to Interrupt premature aging, Reduce the signs of aging, and Improve overall skin health.

We carry both a professional “Back-Bar” Regenerative Solution typiclly used during (microneedling, microchanneling and ultra-Infusion) As well as the at-home Repairative & Regenerative Serum & Cream, #1 and #2 Combination.

Shop the Skingenuity Line Right Here!

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