Save Thousands: DiamondTome & NewApeel Microderm Systems

cut-priceThe Spring Saver Sale for DiamondTome & NewApeel microdermabrasion systems brings special savings for the month of April!

Get your new medical model DiamondTome or spa model NewApeel for up to 15% off list price, and we’ll include free shipping, a free facial wand, and an on-site advanced training & certification course. You can save over 3000.00 off regular pricing!

Contact us today to get all the details about the Spring Saver and find out how you can add an entire Aesthetic Suite, including DiamondTome, ClariFusion & UltraPlus VPL Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), microneedling: bringing medical microdermabrasion, cosmeceutical infusion, hair removal, vascular, photo-facial & Acne treatments to your skin care practice for under $70,000.00.

DiamondTome NewApeel UltrPlusSystem ClariFusion Machine DiamondTome Facial Treatment

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