How Much Vacuum Power do I Need to Perform Medical Microdermabrasion?

There can be a big difference between the level of microdermabrasion provided by day spa staff, and a medically directed skin care practice, dermatology practice, or plastic surgery practice.

One big difference is the level of training provided by schools, and manufacturers of microdermabrasion machines to medical practices versus day spas. And of course, there’s always the advantage of having results and follow up supervised by a physician. And the ability to combine prescription level medications and cosmeceuticals with microderm treatments. But it’s not necessarily just that medical microderm machines have more vacuum power. In fact, one of the advantages of DiamondTome diamond microdermabrasion systems is that they can operate a lower vacuum levels, (as low as 4 inches of pressure), allowing medical microderm treatments for even sensitive skin types. The old crystal machines just can’t do that!

We train all of our medical practices according to the definition of medical microdermabrasion, (whether traditional crystal, or diamond microdermabrasion as described by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons that medical microdermabrasion should “….remove the thicker, uneven outer layer .”

A typical day spa treatment may consist of just a single pass that removes ~20-30% of the stratum corneum, (the outer layer of dead de-hydrated cells). But removing only the dry de-hydrated layer is only part of the process. It is necessary to go deeper, to reveal the layers of more hydrated stratum corneum. Medical Microdermabrasion may require no more than 8 to 12 inches of vacuum pressure, (22-45KpA). But a multi-pass technique must be observed to remove at least 75% of the stratum corneum in order to achieve all of the long term clinical results (similar to the treatment protocols described by Lloyd in her 2001 pilot study).

microderm histology

Medical Microdermabrasion Histology

DiamondTome, the industry standard for crystal free diamond microdermabrasion provides more power than you’ll ever need, reliable equipment that is maintenance free and documented to last a decade or more for 98% of DiamondTome practitioners, and the lowest cost of disposables in the industry. And with the Infusion of Cosmeceuticals into the skin via Microdermabrasion, training in Medical Microdermabrasion will separate what you do from the competition.

Contact Us to learn more now, and to receive Chapter 1 of our free ebook on Maximizing your Microdermabrasion Practice. And you may call us at (303) 489-9203.

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