Compendium of Microdermabrasion Clinical Papers Now Available

We’ve known for years that our patients love microdermabrasion, and that it visibly improves skin health, tone, texture & elasticity. Now Mountain Coast Distributors is offering a compendium of the best clinical papers discussing why. Included in this FREE resource are the following titles:

Molecular Analysis of Aggressive Microdermabrasion in Photoaged Skin

Lasers & Microdermabrasion Enhance & Control Topical Delivery of Vitamin C

Microdermabrasion with and without Aluminum Oxide Crystal Abrasion: A Comparative Molecular Analysis of Dermal Remodeling

Microdermabrasion: An Evidence Based Review

Compiled by Altair Instruments, Inc. Ventura, CA (manufacturer of the DiamondTome family of crystal free microdermabrasion systems), this new compendium is a must for anyone who wants to understand and communicate why microdermabrasion is one of the most popular and effective aesthetic treatments.

Get it and you’ll learn why microdermabrasion, (and DiamondTome crystal free diamond microdermabrasion in particular) is a clinically valuable treatment, and just as important as lasers , IPL and Radio Frequency to your patients skin health, and your skin care practice!

Contact Us right now to receive your free copy of the compendium of clinical papers regarding microdermabrasion.

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